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Partnership Checklists:
Partnership Checklist - Jacoby 2NT Would you like to preview a sample partnership checklist used in Marty's new slam workbook, Better Slam Bidding with Bergen? Here's the one on Jacoby 2NT, a very popular slam exploration treatment
Partnership Checklist - Control Bids Need more? Here's another sample partnership checklist used in Marty's new slam workbook, Better Slam Bidding with Bergen. Control Bids are an essential tool to find those slams others won't!

Slam Bidding Excerpts:
Slam Bidding Made Easier Ch. 4 Want to read a little material before you purchase this book? Here's a sample chapter from Slam Bidding Made Easier, the latest in Marty's lineup of superb bridge books!
Slam Bidding Made Easier Pgs 135 - 138 Here's another sample of great material from Slam Bidding Made Easier, starting with the 10 Commandments of Good Slam Bidding.
Better Slam Bidding with Bergen Want to read a little material before you purchase the companion workbook, Better Slam Bidding with Bergen? Don't forget to call the toll-free number and order both books for an amazing savings!

Slam Bidding & Other Quizzes:
Quiz 1 - Noncompetitive Bidding Additional material not found in Marty's new slam workbook, Better Slam Bidding with Bergen. You can use these quizzes either with your partner, or as self-practice.
Answers 1 - Noncompetitive Bidding Write down your best answers on the quiz sheet before you look here!
Quiz 2 - East Hands This file and the next are to be used with your partner, in face-to-face bidding practice. Try to not look at your partner's cards!.
Quiz 2 - West Hands This file and the one above are to be used with your partner, in face-to-face bidding practice. Try to not look at your partner's cards!.
Quiz 2 - The Answers Don't peek! Quizzes like this are the next best thing to private lessons, which can be arranged with Marty. Call today and ask for a personalized session.